The immemorial active well-known opponent of the American politician Zbigniew Brzezinski tells about further prospects of development of the world crisis both the future defeat of the United States and crash of the European Union.
- In the known work “The grand chessboard” Zbigniew Brzezinski, the political scientist and the American statesman, argues on how the USA has to behave to remain the only superstate forever …
- I read this book many times, expressed the opinion on it to Brzezinski. I consider that it is good only for the beginning political scientists like the students of the 1st course and besides poor students.
- In the known work “The grand chessboard” Zbigniew Brzezinski, the political scientist and the American statesman, argues on how the USA has to behave to remain the only superstate forever …
- I read this book many times, expressed the opinion on it to Brzezinski. I consider that it is good only for the beginning political scientists like the students of the 1st course and besides poor students.